music | film | performance

Disorganism is the working name for music and film projects by Thébru Čelet. 



Gently Brother, Gently Pray


Drowning Myth


Earlier film projects can be seen here on Vimeo.


18.09.2024  Released on Inner Demons Records, HEARTH by Disorganism.

16.09.2024  Recorded live in Leipzig, Germany - DisAudINYANism - the second 'Live Lunch With...'  session by twoplusoneequalsfour  (Audible Masticators, INYAN and Disorganism). Broadcast live on grey clay radio, 07.09.2024. Released on Adventurous Music.

22.08.2024  Arising from the very first 'Live Lunch With...' live broadcast on grey clay radio, the legendary BMH swirled their stuff with Disorganism to become... BlackAnimisM.  DIS-BMH-ISM feleased on Adventurous Music.

11.07.2024 Collab track with Jettenbach, originally written for the 2024 Drone Day broadcast on grey clay radio. Released by Adventurous Music.

15.04.2024 Two collaborations on the Adventurous Music 5th Anniversary album.

25.03.2024  Lauter Rhythmus by Francis Théberge and Axophobe - remix of Automatischer Lärm  by Thébru Čelet

29.01.2024  False Modernity by INYAN and Manuel Carbone - remix of Styles Are A Lie by Thébru Čelet

Review in Igloo Magazine 12.02.2024

Fear Of Nature by Disorganism (aka Thébru Čelet) is an interesting and thought-provoking album. As often as it works aesthetically, it also functions on a conceptual level. The title of the album is quickly established as its central theme as field recordings of birds and insects are steadily and increasingly manipulated, filtered, and sequenced. These sounds are accompanied by artificial-sounding pads and other electronic sources. To the degree that the music resembles a garden space, it is not any garden made with natural elements, but something else—a garden of hybrids, perhaps found on an orbiting space station.

In “To Become More Naked,” a female human voice is nature’s vessel. The voice engages in conversation with synth pads and chill-out bass lines. The elements contrast with one another—the listener continues to be aware of these contrasts throughout the piece. “Honey” uses treated field recordings of insects and birds, and this time adds granulated drones. Drones are not often found in nature, but beehives are one possible source. This drone has metallic aspects and could only be heard from some science-fiction version of a beehive, perhaps involving giant aluminum bees.

Synthetic string melodies, perhaps looped, combine with field recordings in “Burn To Me Perfume.” A glitchy rhythm is added, which is unmistakably man-made. No clay or skin drums appear here. Overall this piece is reminiscent of the haunting soundtrack to the film Midsommar. “Teased In Absinthe” sounds a bit Goth; truly eccentric synth melodies grow and twist around one another, like spirals of RNA. As a whole, the track calls to mind the descriptions of the otherworldly music in Lovecraft’s The Music Of Erich Zann.

If a progression exists in Disorganism’s Fear Of Nature, it is from remains of authentic nature to odder and stranger combinations of organic and artificial elements, until the two are impossible to distinguish. It is an interesting and often very effective album, and is worth a listen.

Fear Of Nature by DISORGANISM

Released on Adventurous Music, 08.01.2024.

Review in SilenceAndSound  04.02.2024

Disorganism - Fear of Nature.             (Adventurous Music)

Fear of Nature envoie dès les premières mesures, des ultra-basses profondes, qui vous enrobent instantanément, nappes tournoyantes et rythmes downtempo prenant peu à peu leur place, afin de bâtir un titre aux tensions élastiques, un peu comme si Basic Channel rencontrait Monolake, histoire de donner vie à une nature scintillant de mille feux.

Fear of Nature est une ode aux éléments naturels peu à peu remplacés par leur double technologique, effet miroir d’un monde de fakes porteurs de simulacre et de rédemption illusoire.

Disorganism nous perd dans des chemins imprévisibles, plongeant nos pas dans des sentiers tortueux, surplombés d’intensité inquiétante et de fêlures subtiles. Les field recordings apparaissent et disparaissent, absorbés par des machines dévoreuses d’âmes.

Les sonorités organiques poussent des coudes pour imposer leur beauté naturelle, envoyant dans les cordes, toute tentative de prise de pouvoir d’une technologie utile mais finalement futile.

Fear of Nature est un mélange de genres, nourri de tribalité et d’ethnicité, de modernité et de futurisme, instantané d’un Univers instable à l’éphémérité bousculée. Très fortement recommandé.

Roland Torres


Itztlacoliuhqui - contribution to the Camembert Électrique compilation Ice Heart Father 22.12.2023

Insomnia/Noctambule by Francis Théberge and Axophobe - remix by T.Čelet. Adventurous Music 27.11.2023

Shreds of Decency - contribution to the fund raiser compilation album 'Welcome to Gaza' for the Red Cross. Released on lessthanone (<1)  06.11.2023 

disorganism track - a curious bouyancy on the compilation, Relatives Schoensein 2, released by Adventurous Music ( Currently requestable on grey clay radio.

Released 16.10.2023

Naked All Summer - Live performance at Pattern Recognition, Ilfracombe 26.08.2023 (

Čelet - Carbone by Manuel Carbone & Thébru Čelet. On Adventurous Music ( Released 24.07.2023

Shedding Life - Collaboration with Terminal Optimism released by the lessthanone netlabel on the album Anno Mortis. Released 01.01.2023

Album: A Thyrsus. Released 26.10.2022

Čelet's earlier music and sound work can be found here on Bandcamp

It is also on the play schedule of the grey clay internet radio station

© copyright disorganism 2024